Summer school on Motivic integration. Düsseldorf. Alemania. 13/09/2022. «Small irreducible components of arc spaces in positive characteristic».
Singularities in Positive Characteristic. Luminy. Marseile. Francia. 14/07/2021. «Some peculiarities of the space of arcs in positive characteristic».
Seminario de Álgebra, Geometría y Topología UCM. 12/12/2019. «Componentes irreducibles del espacio de arcos en característica positiva».
Communtative Algebra-Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry UAM-ICMAT. 11/12/2019. «Espacios de arcos y espacio de cuñas para variedades tóricas».
Interesting Seminar of Geometry and Topology. Universidad de Málaga. 23/10/2019. «Introducción al espacio de arcos en característica positiva».
Séminaire sur les singularités. Université Paris Diderot, Paris VII. 2019. «Composantes irréductibles de l’espace des arcs en caractéristique positive».
MFO Oberwolfach. Singularities and Homological Aspects of Commutative Algebra. 2019. «Irreducible components inside the space of arcs in positive characteristic».
Singularity Monday Seminar. College of Humanity and Sciences, Nihon University. 2018. «Irreducible components inside the space of arcs in positive characteristic».
Communtative Algebra-Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry UAM-ICMAT. 2018. «Sobre el invariante Mather-Jacobian mld y el espacio de arcos, según S. Ishii».
Deformations and Singularities. Université Paris 7. 2017. «Stable points and invariants from the space of arcs».
Arc schemes and singularity theory. Université de Rennes 1. 2016. «Stable points of the scheme of arcs : Curve Selection Lemma. Mather discrepancy as an embedded dimension in the space of arcs».
Workshop: Singularities. MFO Oberwolfach. 2016. «Mather discrepancy as an embedded dimension in the space of arcs».
Young researchers in singularity theory. Université de Nice. 2016. «The scheme structure of the space of arcs. Resolution of singularities and the space of arcs. Stable points of the scheme of arcs».
Seminario de Geometría algebraica. Universidad de Barcelona. 2014. «Puntos estables del espacio de arcos en característica p >= 0».
Séminaire sur les singularités. Université Paris VII. 2014. «Sur les anneaux locaux de l’espace des arcs aux points stables».
Motivic Invariants and Singularities Thematic Program. University of Notre Dame (Indiana, EE.UU.) .2013. «Stable points of the scheme of arcs in characteristic p >= 0».
Algebraic versus Analytic Geometry. University of Vienna. 2011. «The stability property on the space of arcs».
Resolution of singularities and related topics. Casas del Tratado. Tordesillas. 2011. «Lifting Wedges Centered at the Essential Stable Points».
The 6th Franco-Japanese Symposium on singularities. Fukuoka. 2011. «Arcs and wedges on rational surface singularities».
Second international conference and workshop on Segovia. 2011. «Arc spaces and resolutions».
Groupe de travail sur les singularités. Université de Jussieu (Paris). 2011. «Arcs et coins sur les singularités rationnelles de Surface».
Seminaire de Geometrie Algebrique. Versailles. 2010. «Singularités rationnelles de surface et le problème de Nash».
Sing 2010. Resolution of singularities problems, in honor of Prof. V. Cossart. Tordesillas, Valladolid. 2010. «On divisorial valuations and the space of arcs».
MODNET workshop on Model Theory of Fields. Luminy. Marseille. Francia. 2007. «The arc space viewed as a variety: problems and techniques».
Franco-Japonaise Symposium on Singularities. Toyama, Japon. 2007. «The stable points of the space of arcs: properties and applications».
Singularities. Oberwolfach. 2006. «Towards the singular locus of the space of arcs».
Aspects algébriques des singularités. CIRM. Luminy. Marseille. 2006. «Quelques résultats récents sur l’espace des arcs».
Monomialization, desingularization and motivic integration. Univ. Versailles. 2005. «L’espace des arcs: points génériquement stables et ses anneaux locaux».
Géométrie et singularités à l’occasion des 60 ans de Bernard Teissier. CIRM. Luminy. Marseille. 2005. » The space of arcs: generically stable points and their local rings».
MAT.ES. Primer congreso conjunto de Matemáticas RSME-SCM-SEIO-SEMA. Valencia. 2004. «Un Lemma de Selección de Curva en espacios de arcos».
Arcs, calcul différentiel et applications à l’étude des singularités, en l’honeur de M. Lejeune-Jalabert. CIRM. Luminy. Marseille. 2004. Organization.